A GROUP of Ferndown tennis players have created a petition to fix King George V tennis courts which have been left in 'disrepair'. 

Lisa Murphy and Jane Lewis have created a petition signed by 196 residents to fix two out of the six tennis courts which have been left out of use due to damage. 

Lisa and Jane have been left annoyed by a lack of action to fix the courts which has led to the four remaining courts to become overly busy.

Lisa said: "October last year, we were getting fed up with the not being able to get onto the courts to play with two of the courts dangerous to play on. 

"The groundskeeper agreed and closed them due to health and safety. Their facilities have just been left to grow weeds and moss."

Lisa and Jane, along with a group of tennis players, took the case to Ferndown Town Council last year and were told to apply for grants.

According to Jane, the group applied for 15 different grants in which all were rejected suggesting the reason was that, in order to get the grant, it has to come from KGV Playing Fields Charity.

Jane said: "Every single one, which was about 15 grants that we went to, all came back with declined at the first round and the reason being that KGV have the funds to do it. 

"We took photos, got builders quotes and even gave them the quotes for getting the two resurfaced and they said they wouldn't do it."

The group has been left further frustrated after the tennis courts increased the pricing for their annual tennis pass from £39.95 to £44. 

A spokesperson for KGV Playing Fields Charity said: “The management committee for King George's Field Charity is currently exploring the costs and possible funding streams in respect of the two tennis courts which require resurfacing. 

"The charity's trustees remain committed to providing access to high quality open spaces and recreational facilities for the residents of Ferndown, working with stakeholders and interested parties to deliver sustainable and inclusive opportunities for our community. 

"An update is anticipated in the near future.”